Friday, 30 September 2011

Long-Term Life Insurance

Life insurance is very much helpful for providing security to yourself as well as your family. On your sudden death, only 20-year term life insurance can help your family financially. Normally, in order to get a 20-year term life insurance, you will not require any medical test. Even, you can renew your insurance up to 65 years of age.
If you want to buy an insurance policy between the ages of 18-49, it will be beneficial for you to buy a 20-year term life insurance policy. You cannot protect yourself from death, but you can protect your family from financial suffering. Once you passed away, your family member will definitely feel the crisis, and you can save them easily with this insurance package. All responsibilities will be performed by this insurance policy.
In the middle period of our life, we face the challenge of earning. All the major financial decisions which include; building new home, growing up children and retirement, etc. have to be made during this stage of life. A 20-year term policy can carry away your headache by supplying you guaranteed service for continuously 20 years.
If you made the sudden decision of buying this insurance policy, it may prove costly. Moreover, there are numerous things you have to consider. You must realize that, the value of this insurance does not increase rapidly; rather, it is a slow and gradual process. In that situation, 30-year term life insurance will be good for you. It is the permanent life insurance package and confirms you about your family until your children start working.
However, thousands of packages from different insurance companies are available in the market. Some of them are very costly as they have a large coverage. You have to find out a policy, which will give you better coverage at an affordable price. Consult with your family and decide about the suitable packages for your family. You have to count the actual amount of money that your family will require after your death. Do not ignore the insurance premiums, as you have to pay it monthly. The best way to find a good insurance company is to compare with several insurance companies coverage and premiums.
Insurance policy that is unable to provide service to your family is nothing but waste of money. Select your beneficiary as soon as possible after buying the insurance. It will be better, if you select your wife as a beneficiary. You can even make your children as a beneficiary. Do not try to find the cheapest policy because, it is a serious matter. However, it is not true that all expensive things are the best. Therefore, be smart in taking decision and be tension free.

Who Can Help You With Long Term Care Planning

Careful and thorough long term care planning should be done before actually deciding and buying a long term care insurance plan. Long term care plan is complicated and has several types or options to choose from so it is strongly advised to know each one very well in order to pick the best for your needs.
Some Americans think that it is better to save some money and just use this to be able to pay the LTC services that they will use in the future. Unknown to them, this idea is not practical and is not advisable because there is a big possibility that your savings will not be good enough to cover and pay for all the services that you will need.
According to some studies, an increase of 10 to 12 percent is possible for every year that an LTC insurance policy acquisition is delayed. This means that the already expensive rates and prices of the policies are expected to increase and be much higher in the coming years. When this happens, it will doubly hard for some individuals to purchase and have a chance to own an LTC plan.
Because of this, the government, with the help of some private insurance companies in the country, have developed and created other much affordable alternatives so that those who belong below the poverty line and are considered average income earners can have a shot at buying their own LTC plan.
If you find it hard to gather details and decide on what type of insurance plan to acquire, there are actually some individuals who may help you with your long term care planning. These individuals are often regarded as elder care specialists or experts. They help, not only the elder individuals who plan of acquiring LTC insurance, but also their family.
They present the best nursing home facilities that will take god care of the insured person. They also help him and his family members choose the best type of LTC insurance plan that will fully cater to their LTC needs. Aside from these, they also act as a liaison officer between the caregivers or any other person tasked to look after the health and welfare of the policyholder and his family members. This especially applies to those whose loved ones are confined in a nursing home and are not with their family while using his policy benefits.
Meanwhile, for those who opted to receive treatment at their homes, the elder care specialists may also refer someone whom she thinks is the best for the job. If the family members have already chose a caregiver but seem unfit or not properly doing their job, the elder care expert can also suggest to the family members to replace the caregiver because they are also the ones who observe and analyze the health workers' performance.
Long term care planning is admittedly not an easy and simple task. Thank God there are individuals who are willing to render their services so that we could realize the importance and the benefits that we can get from these LTC insurance policies.
Long term care insurance is important to cover the ever-increasing costs of LTC and help you save money to secure your family's future. Visit our website for more tips in choosing and purchasing long term care plan

Features of a Pennsylvania Long Term Care Partnership Plan

In 2008, there are approximately 12 million Pennsylvania residents, and as expected, this number continues to increase as years pass by. It is alarming though, that not all of the residents are willing to buy an long term care insurance plan to be used for their health needs in the future. This is the reason why the state government decided to adapt a provision of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 and thus creating the Pennsylvania long term care partnership program.
This partnership program was made possible by the joint effort of the state's local government and some private insurance providers that sell LTC policies. They aim to give the public a cheaper option when it comes to LTC insurance shopping, and also to help encourage and convince the people to seriously consider buying one for their future LTC needs.
Aside from this, the program also wants to lessen the expenses of the state's medical assistance program known as Medicaid. It is found out that Medicaid spends almost $1 billion dollar a year for LTC costs alone. Of the 12 million Pennsylvania residents, an approximate of 200,000 elder residents are currently enrolled in their Medicaid, which means that the expenses may increase even more.
Although Medicaid helps the elders with their needs, this does not fully cover all the LTC services that an elder individual's health condition might require. There are certain conditions that are strictly being followed by Medicaid that might not give the individual the maximum care and benefits that he should have.
By owning a Pennsylvania long term care partnership insurance plan, the individual is entitled to receive benefits that are almost the same with those offered when a person buys an LTC insurance policy from a private insurance company. In fact, there are two more additional and unique features that partnership plans give to their policyholders.
The first of these two features is the Dollar-for-Dollar asset protection. For every dollar that an insured person's partnership policy pays out in benefits, he is allowed to keep a dollar of his assets. These assets will also be disregarded by Medicaid should he decide to apply for eligibility and qualification in the future.
But the individual must remember that owning a partnership plan does not guarantee him of being automatically qualified to receive Medicaid benefits. He must still pass and meet the standards and other requirements set by Medicaid before he can be granted qualification.
The reciprocity standard is also a unique feature that can only be acquired by owning a partnership plan. With this, an insured individual who decides to move to another state may still use the partnership policy that he acquired from his original location. he does not have to buy another one unless he needs additional coverage period for his disease.
Aside from these two additional features, a Pennsylvania long term care partnership policy also has minimum coverage period, minimum daily benefit amount, and certain levels of inflation protection that will be beneficial in regulating the cost or value of his LTC insurance plan in the future.

What LTCI Policies Should Have

All long term care insurance policies carry the basic components such as the maximum benefit amount, maximum benefit period, elimination period, and an inflation protection rider.
All these are important and thus buyers are always advised to read, assess and review every word and sentence that is stipulated on their policies.
Not all long term care insurance (LTCI) policies are ideal. For instance, one that has a long benefit period, a high maximum benefit amount, a short elimination period, and a compound inflation protection can definitely be considered as ideal as the policyholder will definitely receive complete coverage. No need to shoulder a portion of her long term care (LTC) expenses or wait too long before her benefits start rolling in.
Before the recession that would've been possible. Unfortunately, majority of American families nowadays are tightening their belts and even though most of them cannot afford LTCI, they've decided to invest their hard earned money into it lest they lose everything that they've worked hard to accumulate.
To afford their annual premiums some policyholders have cut back the maximum benefit amount and shortened their maximum benefit period. Some have even resorted to a 180-day waiting period while there are those who have decided to settle for the simple annual inflation protection.
Now this is good rather than not purchasing LTCI at all provided that you study very well which components of your policy to move and adjust. It is not enough to cut down everything just so you can save on annual premiums. After all, premium payment automatically stops the moment an event calls for LTC.
Inflation Protection in Long Term Care Insurance Policies
Let's say after requesting LTCI quotes from an insurance representative, who is affiliated with various insurance companies, you realized that a potential comprehensive LTCI policy will cost you $2,000 annually.
If you feel you cannot afford this amount you can opt for another type of LTCI coverage by reducing the given values of the LTCI policy which was originally presented to you.
For example, if the elimination period that is stipulated in the comprehensive policy which your agent showed you is 30 days you can make it 90 days, or even 180 days if you have a solid nest egg to use for your initial LTC expenses.
In case you are not confident with your resources, then keep your elimination period at 30 days and adjust your maximum benefit amount. Instead of your initial plan of receiving $300,000 in benefits you can opt for $200,000.
Expect to hear negative remarks from your spouse and children once you decide to reduce your maximum benefit amount because the cost of care is constantly increasing. As a matter of fact it is expected to double in year 2026 and quadruple in 2030. Reducing the total amount of your policy benefits, however, is not a bad thing if you have an inflation protection as this will double your initial maximum benefit amount in 15 years.
Experts on long term care insurance policies will not advise you to go for a simple inflation protection, except if you are beyond 75 years old and expecting care in the next couple years, as this will not provide you with any protection. This is especially true for those who are looking at 30 years or even later to receive care. It is best to cut down everything but inflation protection.

Which Long Term Care Policy Works Best

Shopping for an insurance policy that will cover your future health care expenses? You will find different types of long term care policies in the market, each with unique features to meet every individual's needs regardless of age.
Long term care (LTC), in spite of what many people think, is not exclusively for old and frail senior citizens. Present statistics show that 40% of the population receiving LTC is between the ages of 18 and 64. This explains why long term care insurance (LTCI) buyers are getting younger every year. In fact, private insurance companies can attest to the fast-growing number of individuals below 30 years old who have managed to secure LTCI policies already.
Now if you belong to the age bracket of 30 to 40 years old then perhaps you might want to join the group of responsible young Americans, but if you're over 40 and nearing the golden years all the more that you should look into an LTCI policy.
Among the LTCI policies that are offered by insurance companies, the reimbursement policy is highly in demand because it happens to be the most affordable. This type of policy reimburses the insured the total amount of his expenses on care which can be either below or equal to his maximum daily benefit. Should the insured individual's incurred expenses exceed his policy's total daily benefit then he'll have to pay for the difference out-of-pocket.
Of course, the needy public does not appreciate very much the fact that they won't be able to receive their reimbursement policy's maximum daily benefit. What they fail to understand is the fact that with this kind of LTCI policy they can enjoy an extended LTC coverage to exhaust whatever amount is left in their pool of benefits. This is especially true for those who often spend less than their LTCI policy's maximum daily benefit amount.
Other Types of Long Term Care Policies
Majority of LTCI buyers believe that the ideal policy is the kind which falls under the indemnity category. Individuals with this LTCI policy are given the freedom to spend their policy's maximum benefit amount however and wherever they want.
Just like with any other LTCI policy, you have to need assistance in at least two activities of daily living (ADL) before you can claim benefits from your indemnity policy. Once you have claimed the maximum daily or monthly benefit amount of your policy, you can spend your money on home care, home modification, or even save it in the bank for your children.
An indemnity LTCI policy, indeed, allows you to be in full control of your LTC spending but the downside to this is the possibility of your insurance benefits getting exhausted before you have even reached the latter part of your benefit period.
There are other types of long term care policies but before running them through, identify your possible health care needs first. After having done so, it will be easier to figure out which LTCI policy will work best for you.

Will Medigap Limits Cost You Money and Coverage

As the debate over the debt ceiling, budget cuts, and economic stimulation wages on in Washington, DC, it's hard to escape the fact that Medicare is often "on the table" during almost all discussions regarding "deficit reduction." There are a range of proposals that would affect Medicare, but there are questions as to what those proposals will actually mean for beneficiaries. One federal deficit reduction plan would limit Medicare supplemental insurance (Medigap insurance) plans by restricting coverage of deductibles by those plans.
As with most arguments, those in agreement lock on to a set of positives, while those opposed turn to the negatives. So, let's take a look at both sides to try to get a clearer picture of who will benefit and who won't. By restricting Medigap coverage, the government could save money and reduce the debt. However, as a recent report on potential Medigap Limits points out, not all those who depend on Medicare and Medigap coverage will be able to make up for the added personal costs:
"...restricting coverage of deductibles by Medigap plans could save anywhere from $1.5 billion to $4.6 billion a year, depending on how much out-of-pocket expenses elderly beneficiaries would be required to pay." (from Reuters).
In fact, the study goes on to say that "about one in five Medigap enrollees would pay more." The hardest hit would most likely be families with a moderate income. Along with financial concerns, others are afraid that enrollees will simply pass up on healthcare treatment that they need in order to avoid the added cost. Those in support of the proposal insist that it will simply reduce unnecessary trips to the doctor and elective care.
There's very little question that changes to Medicare are on the horizon, which means Medigap coverage could also see changes. Many have taken the "wait and see" approach to it all, but it's a good idea to stay up-to-date on the latest proposals. After all, these potential changes to the system could change how you have to budget and how you have to look at healthcare.
About Medicare Supplement Insurance
Medicare Supplemental Insurance, or Medigap Insurance Plans, are not an alternative to traditional Medicare like Medicare Advantage Plans, but instead work with traditional Medicare. Also, Medigap Insurance Plans differ from Medicare Advantage Plans as they have no deductibles, no co-pays and no network restrictions as to where you can receive medical treatment.
It is important to note that Supplemental Insurance plans are standardized in most states. Which means that no matter which company that a Medicare Insurance beneficiary chooses for their Supplemental Insurance, the coverages on your health care will be the same from insurance company to insurance company.
Although, Medicare recipients can save hundreds of dollars on their Medigap Plans through their Medicare Supplement premium rates. Rates vary from company to company, so it is important that you contact a knowledgable agency (we like Medigap360) that can compare rates over all insurance companies and find you the best coverage with the lowest rates for your needs.

Long Term Care Insurance Plans: A Must-Have Investment for Everyone

With a little time left for them to decide on buying long term care insurance for their LTC needs, some baby boomers, as well as those who are nearing their retirement age, are having a hard time thinking if they should still purchase long term care plan or not.
One factor why they are doubtful and hesitant in doing so is because of the high and expensive costs and rates of the policies that are available for them. Because of lack of stable and strong financial resources, not to add an unstable economic status that they also have to deal with, they are now forced to take actions that may not benefit them for good.
Due to old age and deteriorating health condition, some of them are left with no choice but to depend and let their younger family members to take care of them. Although this may sound ideal to prevent spending too much money in buying LTC insurance policies, this is not strongly advisable especially if the elder person has major health concerns that need to be supervised by medical professionals.
The reason behind this is that majority of insurance companies that sell LTC plans prefer those applicants or individuals who are younger and have firm financial income to pay their policy's monthly premiums. To attract these kinds of people, they give cheaper rate for their policy's monthly premiums as compared to the amount of the other LTC insurance plans that were acquired when an individual is nearing his retirement age.
Long term care insurance policies, although quite expensive, have been proven to beneficial and helpful when the time comes that the policyholder needs to depend on others to be able to live an uncomplicated and easier life when they cannot take good care of themselves anymore.
It provides services and facilities that cater to the policy owners' health and medical needs. Some of these services include confinement or stay in an adult day care or nursing home facility, use of other medical and hospital equipment such like wheelchairs, and they also receive medical care and attention from licensed medical workers, including skilled and trained caregivers.
The medical professionals' basic task is to make sure that the health and wellness of those confined in the nursing home facilities are given utmost importance and attention. They also give the other family members updates, reports, and inform them of any concern regarding their insured family member.
All LTC insurance policies sold in the United States should have the following features in order to be considered valid and authorized: a daily benefit amount, a minimum benefit coverage period, and certain levels of inflation protection. The levels of inflation protection are essential so that the value of a certain policy can be adjusted according to the current costs of LTC services, regardless if the policy was purchased years before the individual actually gets to use his policy benefits.

Cheaper Premiums for Shorter Long Term Care Insurance Benefit Period

There are a lot of reasons why one should consider buying long term care plan for him to use in the coming years but some people are left with no choice but to delay or, worse, take this idea for granted because of the expensive costs that come with this insurance plan. However, if the public is just well-informed of the ways and factors wherein they can be given cheaper LTCi policies, then there will be less hesitation and more Americans will be encouraged to purchase one. One of the factors to be considered when an individual hopes to get cheaper rates is to have shorter long term care insurance benefit period.
According to one study, an average individual aged 60 years old and above would require receiving LTC services at least once in his lifetime, and that the duration or length of time that he spends in nursing home facilities usually lasts up to three years. This means that a policy that has three to five years benefit coverage period is almost enough to cover all the LTC services that a person needs. Policies with longer or lifetime coverage would definitely cost higher plus there are also bigger chances of not being able to use or maximize all its benefits.
This is true especially to those elder individuals who do not have major or serious health condition. They do not need longer benefit coverage periods because their health condition may be treated and cured within the average duration of three years. After this, they can continue on with their lives and maybe would just need some little help or assistance from their younger and stronger loved ones.
Those who are planning to get long term care insurance benefit period that have five years coverage or higher might want to re-consider getting lower coverage period in order to maximize its benefits. Most LTC insurance policies are non-transferable so after the individual has undergone medical procedures or processes that he needs while receiving his policy benefits, his policy might just be taken for granted, throwing away all the dollars that he have to spend paying for the expensive monthly premiums and other insurance rates.
Aside from the benefit coverage period, an individual should also consider his age at the time of his LTC insurance policy application. Most insurance companies prefer younger applicants who are obviously much healthier and have stable financial income and other monetary resources to pay the LTC services that they will incur in the future. The younger the person was when he bought his policy, the bigger chances of being granted cheaper and more affordable rates than those applicants who are already nearing their retirement age.
One must not be worried about his policy being void even if it was purchased years before he actually uses it. All LTC plans have a feature called inflation protection that regulates the value of a certain policy according to the current costs of LTC services.
The age of the individual and the long term care insurance benefit period are just two of the many factors that must be considered in order to have cheaper LTC rates for your insurance policy. For more information, one may contact their insurance agent to know more about these aspects.

Good Long Term Care Planning Helps in Maximizing One's Policy Benefits

Some people who still do not own a long term care plan should start considering of getting one as early as now. Why? Because most insurance providers prefer younger and actively working applicants, thus giving them more chances of getting cheaper and more affordable rates for their monthly premiums. So if an individual plans on purchasing an LTC policy for his future needs, a careful and thorough long term care planning must be given importance.
There are a lot of considerations that a person must take in order to arrive and pick the best type of LTC insurance plan for his LTC needs. The first and primary of these factors may be the cost or amount that he has to pay for his desired LTC plan.
These types of insurance policies are quite expensive that is why majority of the American residents who are considered average income earners cannot afford to buy one for themselves. In fact, the number of LTC policy owners in the country is only 10 million as compared to the 32 million Americans who are still uninsured. Because of this, the government has developed and created other cheaper alternatives so that more citizens can qualify and pay for their LTC insurance plans.
Some of the cheaper alternatives that the government have presented the public are the LTC insurance Partnership Program and the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act, which was established through the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Although these options are a lot cheaper and have more flexible requirements and standards than the other private LTC policies, an individual would still need to think wisely and have careful long term care planning and analysis before he actually decide on what type of plan he is going to purchase.
If the person is still having a hard time deciding on this matter, he can hire an elder care specialist who can help him understand and eventually make him choose the best kind that he needs to cover all his LTC needs and other medical concerns in the coming years.
These elder care specialists are experts in searching and finding the best LTC institutions and services that can cater to the LTC needs of their clients. They are the best ones to go to especially if the individual or his family members are not familiar with the terms, conditions, processes, and other matters with regards to LTC insurance plans.
Their tasks do not end when they finally found the best type of insurance plan or the best nursing home facility and caregivers that would take care of their clients. While the insured individual is being treated and confined during his benefit coverage period, these elder care experts will also give their families updates and other reports or concerns regarding their conditions.

People Who Should Buy Long Term Care Insurance

Many things have already been said about LTCi policies. The debates over the issue of its importance and necessity have been circulating in the country for ages now, and still, some people are not yet fully aware or are not able to understand the concept of such policies and how it can benefit the policyholders. The question of who should buy long term care insurance may present different answers, depending on the perspective of the person you would ask.
For some, owning an LTC insurance plan is impractical and might just be a waste of time and money. They think that such policies are not necessary and would not matter when the time comes that the insured person needs to use its benefits. They also do not see the need to buy it as early as now because of the idea that they can just save up some amount of money and use these savings to pay for their LTC needs in the future.
Unknown to them, LTC insurance rates have the tendency to increase at about ten to twelve percent for every year that the plan acquisition is delayed by the person. This means that there is a big possibility that the already expensive and high-priced rates of LTC insurance today are going to be more expensive in the years to come, making it harder for some Americans to purchase and own one for themselves.
Honestly, if we try to think and comprehend our current financial situation, there should be no need to debate and argue about who should buy long term care insurance policies because each and every one of us should start considering and should see it as one of the most important life investments that we can give ourselves.
There was a study which showed that an average individual who is aged 60 years old and above would require to receive LTC services at least once in their lifetime. This study also concluded that the confinement or stay in a nursing home facility of an individual who is receiving his policy benefits usually lasts up to three years, or not more than five years.
This study only proved that even if we try to be healthy and live a vice-free life, we still cannot assume that we will have a perfect health condition. Old age can bring about many consequences, and the most obvious are being weaker and accumulating certain diseases and illnesses. These illnesses may lead an individual to depend on others' help in order to perform with ease even the daily basic tasks such as eating, walking, and taking a bath.
LTC policies also provide the policyholders of the assistance, guidance, and care from medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, and caregivers that give utmost importance to the health and welfare of the insured persons.
We should not be focused on who should buy long term care insurance because it is more important to know the benefits and other pertinent advantages that policyholders might get from these policies. After all, studies and surveys already proved the importance of having such in our lives. Now, it is up to us to act and start considering our future by buying an LTC insurance plan from our trusted and preferred insurance companies.